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Rui Wang

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

wangrui12 (as you know) sjtu.edu.cn

Introduction [Google Scholar][DBLP]

I am a computational linguist working at Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2021. Previously, I worked at the Japanese National Institute of Information and Communications Technology from 2016 to 2020. I was a joint Ph.D. student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the French National Centre for Scientific Research from 2012 to 2016.

Language intelligence is a form of intelligence in which humans (and machines) learn about the outside world by reading natural language, producing highly abstract linguistic thinking, and then understanding, improving, and creating about the outside world. We aim to explore and extend the boundaries of language intelligence in the following areas:
1. Computational Linguistics: A interdisciplinary of computer science, linguistics, cognitive science, psychology, etc.
2. Language Modeling: The mechanism and application.
3. Machine Translation: I worked on it for over ten years and will never give it up.

Language Intelligence and Computational Linguistic Lab (MT Lab)

I have always been fortunate to work with these brilliant young researchers(Previously at the Machine Translation Lab from 2017 to 2022).


Ph.D. Students:

Wenhong Zhu (2024-)
Qingyuan Tian (2024-)
Yang Han (2023-)
Yiming Wang (2023-)
Xingyu Chen (2022-)
Zhiwei He (2021-)

Master Students:

2024-: Chenxi Yang, Haonan Zang, and Jianing Guo
2023-: Ziyin Zhang, Xiaofeng Wang, Lizhen Xu, and Sheng Li
2022-: Hongkun Hao, Yiming Ai, Tianxiang Hu, Wenhong Zhu(-->Ph.D Student, SJTU), Tian Xia
2021-: Ruize Gao (-->Alibaba DAMO Academy)

Undergraduate Students:

-2025: Haoxiang Sun and Yaoyao Wang(Both-->Master Student, SJTU)
-2024: Chenxi Yang (ALL-->Master Student, SJTU)
-2023: Ziyin Zhang and Xiaofeng Wang (ALL-->Master Student, SJTU)
-2022: Yushen Chen, Hongkun Hao, Yiming Ai, and Tianxiang Hu (ALL-->Master Student, SJTU)
-2021: Xiaoyi Bao (-->Microsoft), Ruiyi Wang (-->Master Student, LTI, CMU)



Zhuosheng Zhang (Matser Student, SJTU, 2019-2020)
Haipeng Sun (Ph.D. Student, HIT, 2018-2020)
Zhisong Zhang (Matser Student, SJTU, 2017-2018)
Kehai Chen (Ph.D. Student, HIT, 2017-2018)


Academic Services

Program Chair: MT Summit 2023 (Research Track)
Senior Area Chairs: ACL-2024, NAACL-2025
Area Chairs: ICML (2023-), NeurIPS (2022-), ICLR (2021-), EMNLP (2022), NAACL (2021), CoNLL (2021-2022), CCL (2018-2019)
Associate Editor: ACL Rolling Review (2024-), IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (2022-2024)
Standing Reviewers: CL (2020-) and TACL (2020-)

Shared Tasks

WMT-2024: 1st places in Translation into Low-Resource Languages of Spain[Paper]
WMT-2023: 1st places in Word-Level AutoCompletion[Paper]
WMT-2022: 1st places in Livonian<->English[Paper]
IWSLT-2022: 1st in the Simultaneous Speech Translation task [Results][Paper]
WMT-2020: 1st in three tasks (English->Chinese, Polish->English, and German-Upper Sorbian) [Results][Paper]
CoNLL-2019: 1st in the DM sub-task and the 2nd overall [Results][Paper]
WMT-2019: 1st in the only unsupervised MT task (German-Czech) [Results] [Paper]
WAT-2018: 1st places in Myanmar (Burmese) <- English [Results][Paper]
WMT-2018: 1st places in four tasks (English<->Estonian and English<->Finnish) [Results][Paper]



CS3966: Natural Language Processing and Large Language Model (for the John Class), 2024-
CS3602: Natural Language Processing (for the CS and AI major), 2021-
CS438: Information Extraction, 2021-2023
CS247: Data Mining, 2021-2022


Advances and Challenges in Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation.
    Rui Wang and Hai Zhao
    16th conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL-Tutorial), 2021
Syntax in End-to-End Natural Language Processing
    Hai Zhao, Rui Wang, and Kehai Chen
    The 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-Tutorial), 2021
Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation
    Chenhui Chu and Rui Wang
    The 16th China Conference on Machine Translation (CCMT-Tutorial), 2019
    --You also refer to our survey paper in [COLING-2018]